grateful for every client,

every word of feedback and joy they express

Wendy J.

Michelle R.

As my life coach Ashton has taught me to think outside the box and to listen to my heart whenever my head gets in the way. My work with Ashton has opened up new resonances in communicative skills and has changed the way that I work and interact with others as well as myself. I can’t tell you how amazing this experience has been for me. I’ve come so far since we first started working together. I now accept and love who I am – I owe a great deal of that to her.  My experience with Ashton is absolutely AMAZING !!!

Nichole D,
Real Estate Agent

Ashton Dixon is a gifted life coach whose talents helped me transform confusion into clarity. By listening to me and being fully present during our sessions, she helped me create significant changes that will benefit my business and personal life in profound ways.

I highly recommend Ashton if you are seeking a trustworthy professional coach who can help you reach your next level of life experience.

Susan T,
Life Coach & Entrepreneur

Corbin H.
Business Owner

Ashton is insightful and supportive, but most of all intuitive. She is someone who I trust. I enjoyed working with Ashton because of the perspective she brought to my experience. Though it is primarily a journey of inner reflection, her talents as a guide helped me see existing circumstances through a new lense. She was able to help me corral otherwise scattered thoughts and hopes into a sensical set of goals for how to view life and make meaningful forward momentum.

My greatest realization during our sessions was that I do not have control over what other people do, but I do have control over my reaction. I must be an active participant in my own life, which can be easier said than done. Ashton helped me find a set of tools to help achieve my path of engagement and momentum in the highest and best way for me. And most importantly to find the coping mechanisms I need to keep me on track when I stray.

Chad S,
Real Estate Broker